OpenArtAward 2019
Studio Projet Noir has been awarded Gold for Best Logo Design and Bronze in the Direct Marketing category at the VIII Edizione OpenArtAward International Advertising Award 2019.
The Gold in the Best Logo Design category was awarded to SPN for their Transcripta logo design whereas the Bronze in the Direct Marketing was won for the Christmas catalogue for P.Cutajar.
This is what they had to say about the Transcripta logo, “Essenzialità, leggibilità, riconoscibilità e attinenza del costrutto grafico con i servizi di traduzione simultanea offerti dall’azienda committente. Una sinteticità ed un lettering leggibilissimo fanno di questo logo un vero prototipo del concetto di ‘marchio’.”
The judges’ positive remarks on the P.Cutajar catalogue were as follows: “Catalogo molto curato arricchito con elementi ed illustrazioni veramente bellissime e molto raffinate. I prodotti sono posizionati all’interno delle pagine in modo chiaro, ordinato, senza eccessivi fronzoli, così da renderlo di facile lettura e di facile consultazione.”
The awards ceremony which was held on Saturday 23rd November at the French Consulate of Naples where it hotsted shortlisted Italian and European agencies.
“Having our work recognised internationally year after year amongst very talented designers and marketers pushes us to keep working hard and never settle.” said founder and creative director Jean Karl Izzo.
Jean Karl founded Studio Projet Noir in 2012 specialising in brand strategy, design, communication and brand experience.
For this year’s awards 1098 projects were submitted from 144 agencies – 24 of which were non Italian.
The OpenArtAward International Advertising Award was created, curated, and organised by Openart Napoli, and is the only Award in Italy to have an institutional value by being granted the Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica (2014), and operates under the Patronage of the Italian representation of the European Commission, Council of Ministers, Ministry for Economic Development, the City of Naples and the Campania Region.