Fedrigoni Special Award – OpenArtAward 2017
Studio Projet Noir’s work was recognised for the second year in a row when it won the 2017 Fedrigoni Special Award in Italy. Selected amongst 109 agencies with 818 entries, the prestigious award was given at the VI Edizione OpenArtAward International Advertising Award.
Created, curated, and organised by Openart Napoli, the OpenArt Award is the only Award in Italy to have an institutional value by being granted the Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica (2014), and operates under the Patronage of the Italian representation of the European Commission, Council of Ministers, Ministry for Economic Development, the City of Naples and the Campania Region.
The main sponsor of the OpenArtAward was Fedrigoni Group – a global master and leading player in the production and sale of paper for packaging, printing and graphics. It has 750 years of history and is present in 132 countries. Fedrigoni Group also sponsors a special category award where it recognises the project which made best use of Fedrigoni’s high quality paper stock and used it to add value to the project itself.
Needless to say that SPN was super proud to bring home another prestigious international award for their product label design. The set of biscuit tins which landed the award featured bespoke illustrations that depicted fine examples of wildlife; the Cascade Mountain Fox, the Red Deer and the exotic Indian Peafowl in an idyllic and dream-like setting enriched with a palette of bright colours. To the detail designed and illustrated by Studio Projet Noir, the packaging is printed on rich, textured Fedrigoni paper which wraps around the tin itself.
This is what the judges had to say about the winning project: “We are rewarding the high level aesthetics and quality of the packaging which made use of the Fedrigoni paper stock to add value to the biscuit tins which are beautiful not only visually through the neat and refined illustrations, but also show they are high end through the tactile qualities.”