Gold for Packaging & Silver for TV Commercial –
OpenArtAward 2018
For the third consecutive year, Studio Projet Noir has landed 2 international awards; Gold for Best Packaging and Silver for Best TV Commercial at the OpenArtAward International Advertising Award in the southern Italian city of Naples. Created, curated, and organised by Openart Napoli, the OpenArt Award is the only Award in Italy to have an institutional value by being granted the Medaglia del Presidente della Republica (2014), and operates under the Patronage of the Italian representation of the European Commission, Council of Ministers, Ministry for Economic Development, the City of Naples and the Campania Region.
Studio Projet Noir’s works were selected among 1018 submissions from 131 participating agencies worldwide. The awards ceremony hosted by the italian actress Kiara Tomaselli was held at the Istitut Français “Grenoble meters away from the lavish Royal Palace and Castel Nuovo.